Principal's Welcome

Principal's Welcome

Geography is a vibrant and interactive subject which plays an important role in helping students understand and contribute positively to the world around them. Pupils learning Geography today will be out in the world tomorrow dealing with issues such as rising sea levels, more extreme weather, sustainability and increased ethnic diversity. Therefore it is vital that students understand how these major issues affect their lives and their communities.
In Movilla High school we try to keep a good balance between physical and human topics across Key Stage 3. In Year 8 we study topics such as ‘What is Geography?’, Map skills, Weather & Climate and a country case study on Australia. In Year 9 we investigate our Changing Coastal Environments, Population and Migration, Tourism and Geology. At year 10, as we begin to think towards GCSE, we study Our Dynamic Earth, Crime and Conflict, Trade and Development as well as Renewable Energy and looking to the future.
Miss A Brownlee (HoD)
Miss L Saunderson

"The study of Geography is about more than just memorising places on a map. It's about understanding the complexity of our world"
- Barack Obama
Year 11 – Unit 1 (Understanding our Natural World) (40% of final GCSE)
• River Environments
• Coastal Environments
• Changing weather & climate
• Restless Earth
(This paper is sat in June of Year 11)
Year 12 – Unit 2 (Living in our world) (40% of final GCSE)
• Population & Migration
• Changing Urban Areas
• Contrasts in World Development
• Managing our Environment
Unit 3 – Fieldwork (20% of final GCSE)
• 1 hour paper
• Using information collected in the field
• Exam paper focuses on planning, analysis, interpretation and conclusions drawn from your fieldworkAt the end of Year 11 you will visit the River Shimna to collect data necessary for your Fieldwork report and examhttp://www.rewardinglearning.org.uk/microsites/geography/gcse/
Through studying GCSE Geography students:
develop knowledge and understanding of geographical concepts and how they affect our changing world;
begin to appreciate the importance of the location of places and environments, from local to global;
develop geographical skills and learn how to use appropriate technologies;
begin to appreciate the differences and similarities between people’s views of the world, its environments, societies and cultures;
understand the significance of values and attitudes to the development and resolution of issues;
develop and apply their learning to the real world through fieldwork and other learning outside the classroom; and
have opportunities to develop as effective and independent learners and as critical thinkers with enquiring minds.
This specification prepares students for the study of geography at a more advanced level, for example courses in Advanced Subsidiary (AS) and GCE Geography, or Advanced Vocational Certificate in Education in Travel and Tourism.
There is a study and support class for GCSE students every Wednesday after school. In 2019/2020 we started a Geography Explorers club and we meet every Tuesday Lunchtime for KS3 pupils. Celebrating important events such as World Toilet Day and Fair Trade as well as looking at different charities and playing fun games.

Types of Homework:
Learning of key words and case studies
Use of skills eg climate graphs
Extended writing
Cloze procedure
Question and answer
Completion of classwork
Note making
Poster work
Revision preparation for Assessment Window
Preparation for CAT (KS4)
Past paper questions
7 Homeworks in Year 8
7 Homeworks in Year 9
7 Homeworks in Year 10
7 Homeworks in Year 11
7 Homeworks in Year 12