Principal's Welcome

Principal's Welcome

Pastoral System
Our pastoral structure and support mechanisms have been established to support the development of our pupils as young people but also as learners. We acknowledge the need to support our pupils to manage their teenage development, preparing them to be aspirational, confident and articulate young people able to accept the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.

Pupils also benefit from the experience of being allocated to a House and engage in a wide range of sporting, academic and enrichment activities encouraging healthy competition and rewarding success at both pastoral and academic levels. Each house wears a tie of a different colour and is represented by a House Co-ordinator supported by male and female pupil House Captain and Deputy House Captains.
At Movilla High School , our aim to “develop the whole individual” is entrusted to all our staff , whether in the classroom, or out of it. It is a duty of care which we take very seriously and we have an overriding aim to ensure that our pupils’ well-being translates into academic success and high level attainment.
Our pastoral care system has been comprehensively reviewed since June 2015

Each pupil is placed in a Registration class with a dedicated member of staff who is responsible for the day to day welfare of their pupils. They are supported by a Learning Co-ordinator who is responsible for an entire Year Grouping. Our dedicated group of Heads of Department also play a significant role in ensuring the pastoral welfare of pupils maximises their potential to be able to learn and these staff also develop intervention strategies to ensure strong links between pastoral provision and academic attainment. The work of all our pastoral staff is monitored by the Senior Leadership Team with the Acting Principal currently assuming lead responsibility as Head of Pastoral Care.
Additionally a wide ranging pastoral support network aims to provide a comprehensive range of services using both in-house and external expertise.